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Taken 6-Oct-21

18 of 33 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Tom Daniel, photo, photography, photographer, Tom Daniels, California, CA, USA, West, American West, scenic, horizontal, Mojave Desert Preserve, Cima, desert, dryland, nature, landscape, America, United States, National Park, Southwest, American Southwest, architecture, metal roof, rusted, abandoned, ruin, cloud, clouds, sky, tin roof, shack
Photo Info

Dimensions5700 x 4652
Original file size6.09 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified6-Oct-21 14:58
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeEPSON
Camera modelPerfection V700/V750
Mojave Shack BW

Mojave Shack BW

A long abandoned shack in the Mojave Desert Preserve.